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ASIA PACIFIC MENOPAUSE FEDERATION The 7th Scientific Meeting in Manila, Philippines

For more information,  visit  https://apmf2019.com/


Greetings from the Asia Pacific Federation.

The vision of the Federation is to represent the menopausal women in this region. Although climacteric medicine is a universal concept, the understanding of how the women in this continent cope with changes and perceptions at this time of their lives is significant .It is glaring that the needs are diverse among the different Asian countries as ethnicity and culture varies. The Federation hopes to pursue the goals in supporting Asian women in their quality of life issues by sharing with fellow physicians and advocates their concepts, practices, and researches. The hosting of a scientific meet comes every two years to be attuned to what may be recent concerns. The hope that the focused meeting will address specific concerns that will better redound to serve the aging women population is of great impact. It is with distinct honor that the Philippines will host this 2019 Scientific meeting. All the members of the Federation will meet this May to report on their mission assessments and achievements.

See you all in Manila.


President, APMF

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